Chemotherapy and Protein Drinks

Chemotherapy is going to kill off most of your blood cells. Your body will immediately start making new blood cells but in the meantime your counts are low enough to classify you as anemic and highly vulnerable to infections. I was so darn tired for a whole week! If your red cells aren't recovered enough by your 1 week follow up, you might receive a shot in the arm that is no picnic.

Your oncologist will tell you to take in as much protein as possible to help your red blood cell count recover. It's very hard to take in lots of protein without also taking in too much fat and sodium unless you go vegetarian. I got tired of the same old eggs for breakfast, lunch meat for sandwiches and chicken or fish for dinner.

Another way to get more protein is to make protein shakes. Protein shakes aren't just for guys building muscles! It's been over a year since my last chemo and my red blood cells are still not quite right so I am currently drinking protein shakes.

Energy First makes 100% natural whey shakes. You can get chocolate, vanilla or flavorless protein powder. You can make shakes, smoothies or add the powder into a recipe. They also sell energy bars, vitamins and supplements, omega 3 and raw almonds as well as supplies and books. Their website has an extensive recipe list. They have some really yummy sounding smoothies listed.

Please look into protein supplement shakes during your chemotherapy treatments.



Anonymous said...

We have to raise awareness on inflammatory breast cancer too
Nice story! thanks

Anonymous said...

Good video!!! Sounds like good stuff, I will check them out and share with others!

Liz said...

Dr. R - I have an article on IBC already. Glad we agree that it is important!!!

Anon - My first video. It was made in my daughter's bedroom, thus the pink and lavender paint and kitten posters on the right wall. LOL!!!